Ensure Abortion Access Happy hour
In Person
World of Beer, Rockville Town Center West
196 E Montgomery Ave #B, Rockville, MD 20850
On June 24th, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, overruling decades of protections for reproductive rights and triggering abortion bans across the country. This ruling endangers all pregnant people by depriving them of fundamental rights. Access to abortion care is vital. Abortion is still legal in Maryland. We heard from many who want to do something.
MCMDNOW's Reproductive Justice Task Force has learned of some ways that we can make a difference in abortion access for all—in our county, in our state, and for people who need to travel here for access. We would like to share these ideas with you at an in-person happy hour in Rockville.
Join us to show your support and to find out more about ways you can make a difference locally and on behalf of those who may need our local abortion services.
Enjoy the company and conversation of feminist friends!
Legislators invited to let us know how you will protect abortion access in Montgomery County and Maryland!
Not required, but we will start by asking you to:
Donate to the Baltimore Abortion Fund, that provides financial assistance and practical support to individuals who live in or travel to Maryland for abortion care.
Learn about the work of WACDTF and volunteer if you are able to help.
Bring small amount gift cards for Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts or fast food places to donate to local clinics for patient and partner use.
Bring other gift cards (like Visa) to donate to local clinics for patient and partner use, for things like cabs, Ubers, hotels, etc. We'll have a donation box for gift cards, cash or checks.
Pick up information stickers at the happy hour that can be placed in restaurant and other public restrooms. This will be explained.
Find out or bring other ways we can make a difference.
RSVP (not necessary, but nice to know) to info@mcmdnow.org or on our
Facebook event page https://www.facebook.com/events/1091444521500273
See you on the 29th!