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Abortion Human Rights Resolution Reception | IPAS Partners for Reproductive Justice

IPAS Partners for Reproductive Justice
In Person | Tuesday, July 23  |  5:30 – 7:30 pm

You are invited to a reception celebrating the historic introduction of Congresswoman Nikema William’s abortion human rights resolution and the local and state work of champions in Texas, Louisiana, Maryland and Virginia.  
Enjoy drinks, hors d’oeuvres and critical conversation. Join us as we toast this important step in bringing the human rights framework to capitol hill, state legislatures, and city halls in four states!  We will be joined by several of our champions from Congress and also the local and state legislators who have introduced or are introducing abortion human rights legislation this year - State Representative Mandie Landy (New Orleans, LA), Austin City Councilmember Vanessa FuentesMayor Celina Benitez (Mount Rainier, MD), County Councilmember and County Vice President Kate Stewart (Montgomery County, MD), and Alexandria Councilmember Kirk McPike, as well as some of the partners leading the charge –  Lucie Arvallo, Executive Director of Jane’s Due Process, Michelle Erenberg, Executive Director of Lift Louisiana and Nancy Cárdenas Peña, Campaign Director, Abortion On Our Own Terms.

Please RSVP by Monday, July 22, COB
D.C. Location Provided upon RSVP