Katrina's Dream is partnering with ERA Action and they are holding their 3rd ANNUAL WOMEN’S EQUALITY DAY CELEBRATION in Washington, D.C. on August 25th thru the 26th, 2017 to prioritize and promote the Three State Strategy to pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
Friday – August 25, 2017 - ADVOCACY DAY
Friday we will all meet up on the Hill and pick up our advocacy packets. From there we will head over as a big group to our first meeting which will be with the Offices of Senator Grassley, Chair of the Senate Judiciary, then each will go to specific offices in groups. Break for lunch. We then off to our meeting with US Representative Goodlatte, Chair from House Judiciary Committee. Then we break up again into groups and hit our next offices.
Then many will be joining us at St. Stephen’s and the Incarnation Episcopal Church, for a inspiring performance of 24 Words, the Musical.
Time Event Location
10:00am Meeting US Senator Grassley
12:00pm Lunch
2:00pm Meetings US Representative Goodlatte
6:00pm Speaker Panel St. Stephen’s & the Incarnation
7:00pm 24 Words, the Musical
SATURDAY – August 26, 2017
The event will start in silence at 9:30 am at S t. Stephen’s and the Incarnation. Many will meet following the service at 11:00 am to begin there walk in peaceful contemplation taking the same path that many feminists took on August 26, 2016, to commemorate the first walk and rally. Others will join up around 12:30 am the White House and proceed to the US National Mall where the rally will begin at 1:00 pm. The speakers will talk about the intersectionality of racism and sexism, and systemic issues that the ERA would address. They will share their wisdom and personal experiences on the Racial Gender Pay Gap, women’s health care, violence and the rape culture women live with everyday.
Time Event Location
9:30am Blessing St. Stephens and The Incarnation -Washington, DC
11:00am Walk Route
12:30am White House Washington, DC
1:00pm Rally
4:00pm Sewall Belmont Tour; Sewall Belmont House (tentative)
7:00 pm 24 Words, the Musical; St. Stephens and The Incarnation; Washington, DC
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